IDX Broker Helps Boost Business for Two Real Estate Businesses: A Case Study

Categories: Partners & Integrations, Real Estate Marketing|Tags: , , , , , |

IDX Broker Helps Real Estate Businesses Through Advanced Search Tools, IDX Feeds, and Advanced Property Search Tools Recently, our friends at Marketing 360 featured two customer case studies on their blog. Both articles showcase success for real estate businesses looking to improve their web presence, site traffic, and ultimately boost their bottom line.  In both

Top 5 Webinars Of 2020

Categories: IDX Broker News|

We are fast approaching 2021 (thank goodness!), getting ready for Q1 and a fresh new season of webinars! We had a jam-packed year of live and recorded webinars full of takeaways, tutorials and best practices. Our hosts covered a range of topics including Google tools, lead generation tips and of course, your favorite IDX home

Meet Our Developer Partners – Internet Media Consultants

Categories: Real Estate Technology|

Whether it's a website redesign, community content creation, lead management, or a complete custom build, our Developer Partners can bring your visions to life. They specialize in creating and enhancing custom real estate websites with IDX Broker. But, with so many talented developers and designers at your fingertips, how do you narrow the search? “[Internet

Offer the Ideal Lead Experience with IDX Broker

Categories: Real Estate Technology|

Offering a good lead experience is the single most important thing you can do to keep home-browsers returning to you – and your website – when looking for a new property. Think of the user experience (UX) as a critical, preliminary step in your lead generation strategy. If using your website is at all illogical

It’s Official: We’re Joining the Elm Street Technology Family

Categories: IDX Broker News|

We are happy to announce that IDX Broker is officially joining the Elm Street Technology family! Our goal is to become an even greater resource for real estate professionals, and this exciting acquisition enables our team to offer an even higher level of service, support and development for our subscribers. In the words of IDX Broker CEO,