Use Neighborhood Descriptions in IDX Broker to Boost Your SEO

Categories: IDX Broker How-Tos|Tags: , , |

Why Write Neighborhood Descriptions? Detailed neighborhood description pages can do so many things for your real estate website. They showcase your knowledge, inform potential clients, and help you stand out from the crowd. They're also an excellent tool for boosting your site's SEO because they generate unique, relevant content for targeted areas. Having this kind

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WinningAgent on IDX Broker Wrappers & SEO

Categories: IDX Broker How-Tos|Tags: , |

Wrappers? What are those? And how do they work? We get wrapper questions all the time. They're a bit...misunderstood (Support can help if you have questions). Thankfully, IDX Broker Developer Partner WinningAgent has explained IDX Brokers wrappers and how they can help boost your SEO. If you're looking for information on IDX Broker wrappers, check

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How to Write Great Real Estate Copy

Categories: Real Estate Technology|Tags: , , |

While they may not win you a Pulitzer, writing great descriptions for your real estate listing is an art that can earn you money. Enticing property descriptions can gain the interest of potential clients and help you acquire new leads. Here are a few quick tips for writing great real estate copy that draws potential

What’s a Wrapper? IDX Broker Wrappers Explained

Categories: Real Estate Technology|Tags: , , |

If you've worked with IDX Broker before, you've probably heard the term 'wrapper' a few times. It sounds more confusing than it really is. No, we're not referring to candy bars, but wrappers are still pretty sweet. In IDX Broker terminology, a wrapper is HTML code that seamlessly integrates (wraps) your IDX content in the style

IDX Broker’s Mobile First Template

Categories: IDX Broker How-Tos|Tags: , , |

Our team of developers, designers and dreamers have been working hard to release IDX Broker's mobile first template. This new layout delivers the same look and style for IDX content across a wide range of devices. If you visit an IDX Broker page with the mobile first template activated, it will resemble the same site

  • writing content for websites

Creating Content Your Readers Love

Categories: IDX Broker How-Tos|Tags: , , , |

In the Internet age, content is king. Being mindful of what search engines love is obviously important, but even more important is creating content that your readers (and future readers) will engage with. I've compiled some tried and true rules to live by when it comes to building out your web content with the reader

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Solidify Your Brand

Categories: Real Estate Technology|

The beginning of a new year invites us to take a deeper look into certain aspects of our lives - family, finances, health, and career, among other things. I've been thinking about ways to solidify my brand, both in my professional and personal life. Some of the lessons I've learned also apply to real estate.

Top 3 Ways to Optimize Your IDX Broker Pages for Search

Categories: IDX Broker How-Tos|

Integrated IDX search is an absolute must for any real estate website. But what if you're providing the same MLS listings as another site? How do you stand out from the online crowd? The answer is by providing unique and relevant content. Search engines (and your visitors) love unique and relevant content. IDX Broker makes