Free Up Your Time with IDX Broker

Categories: Real Estate Technology|

It’s finally here...summer! Sunshine, trees full of leaves and the smell of fresh cut grass are unmistakable signs of summer. That should mean it’s time to kick back, put our toes in the sand and enjoy the laid- back nature of the season; however, it seems like this time of year we always get caught

How IDX Broker Increased Efficiency with DocuSign

Categories: Real Estate Technology|

At IDX Broker we are never content to simply stand still and rely on tradition. Our processes are under regular review so that we can learn how to be even better. We strive for the best client experience, pushing to deliver our services to more real estate professionals. To that end, we have completely revamped the MLS approval process

  • softball

IDXPerts: From the Office to the Diamond

Categories: IDX Broker News|

It’s that time of year again; time to play ball. Once the office shuts down, our team heads to the softball field.  The IDXPerts go straight from the office to the diamond. With our growing company, we now have a full roster with just a few spouses completing our team.  This year we moved up a division,