Weekly List: Top Real Estate Articles to Read

Categories: Real Estate Technology|

Hey, we made it through another week. Congratulations. Don't let the next week take you by surprise. Here are some top real estate articles that you may have missed. Take a few minutes to read them and get ready for Monday. Top Real Estate Articles to Read Top 7 Facebook groups every real estate agent should

Selling Real Estate in a Millennial Market

Categories: Real Estate Technology|

You've heard about millennials, but who are they? How different is this new generation of trendsetters? Even more importantly, what does selling real estate look like in a millennial market? What is a Millennial? Millennials, or the Y Generation or Generation Next were born between 1980 and 2000 - the age of reality TV, cell

Supercharge Your Lifestyle Go Green and Save Money

Categories: Real Estate Technology|

Like you, we like to save money and ensure that this world is here for our grandkids. Here are a few easy steps to help you save some green and some greenery. Go Green and Save Money After being named as one of the top 100 green companies in Oregon, we feel like it's time

Tutorial Tuesday – Select Search Settings with IDX Broker

Categories: IDX Broker How-Tos, Real Estate Technology|

Tutorial Tuesday - snappy alliteration and helpful content to provide you the scaffolding to reach higher and do more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwkQmobU5aE Select Search Settings Tutorial Define your search fields to focus on your specific clientele.  There are many fields provided by your MLS, but this extra information is often e overwhelming for new visitors to your real estate